Which looks precisely like your website and is extremely user-friendly! Changes in the mobile app are free for the rest of your life. Your Android app will be immediately updated whenever your website is updated.
I will also include a free app icon and splash screen. All you have to do now is give me the following files -
-*URL of the app
-*Name of the app
-*Logo of the app (512x512)
-*Image of the app's splash screen (720x1080)
I'll make an Android app out of your website, blog, or web pages having the following characteristics:
- Your logo on the app icon
- Splash Screen
- Pull down to refresh
- Customized Loading Bar
- Unlimited Revisions
- Internet Detection Page
- App submission to Google PlayStore under your account
- Lifetime free technical support
Payment Method We accept: PAYONEER / Pferfect Money / Skrill / Paypal
[ Service Fee: $15-$20 Before order: Contact me by SKYPE ID: Alam1240661 ]